Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Elina Filippova, Alena Karajov, Natahsa Mikhachenlko, Ally Griffith and Alina Afinogenova
Took my money and take m e to Russia three times for WILD GOOSE CHASE.



On 2005 I found ADOPTION ARK photo listing of young children who are healthy and available to adopt. There was a four years old girl name Lea had capture my heart.

I contact Dina Latkina who is represent for ADOPTION ARK to inquire about Lera.

Dina confirmed that Lera is a healthy orphan from Russian and available for adoption. and discuss the fee for a child under five years old is $17,500.00 dollars. The second child sibling no additional fee, unrelated same orphanage or same region is $3,000.00 dollars more.

The agency operating first come first serve basic. Lea will place on hold for me to adopt as soon as they received $3,000.00. dollars deposit and asks me quickly sent the money to California address before some other adoptive parents will snap the girl.

She also assured me that Adoption Ark is accredit with The Department of Education of Russia and has special relationship with Russian orphanages to gain access of many young healthy children and be able to completed my adoption from nine months and maximum is one year.

Natasha was assigned to works on my case after they received my deposit to hold Lera.
Come to my surprise! when I receive a contract from Illinois. Dina had false to informs me that Adoption Ark in California is a facility work under Adoption Ark from Illinois and illegal practice in California for more than six years without a license to place the children and not register with State of California.

Natasha convince me to sign the contract for her to continue processing the adoption so I soon go to Russia to meet Lera. At the time, Natahsa was active sent me some pictures of the boys for my second child and allow me to sent gilfs to Lera in Russia so I though this was a done deal I then sign the contract.

Alena Karajov sent the copy of the contract without her signature an date.

No additional of Lera was given after the first payment.

On about April 2005 my Home Study was completed and I sent to Natasha along with two checks one is $2,500.00 dollars of review the document and other $500.00 dollars for post placement of two children.

On about May 2005, I completed my dossier but wait for Elina gives green light to go to Russia. Unfortunately, Elina is in Russia so I have to wait.

On about late of May 2005, Elina Filippova call me and break the bad news to me that Lera is mental retardation and asks me to consider another child.

After months building love with a girl's picture I though she is going to be my family and the news make me feel like a death of a child.

Summer 2005, Elina asked me to come to Fresno to meet with Russian and Ukraine orphans who is vacation in U.S. The host parents paid for the children's travel expensive therefore, not a chance for me to come near the children. Elina just feed my hope having me watch the children only. I wonder an agency no license and be able to fool the Department of Education to sent the children to her is an imagine of a con artist mind.

I expressing my disappointment and Elina keep my hope alive by shows me the pictures of the children from Russia and asks me to go to Russia to meet them to choose to adopt. My heart singing again and forget what Elina just did to me.

On January 2006 I arrived in Yaroslaval where is distance six hours from Moscow. Olga pick me up and said that she had to wait for my dossier send to her.

I was abandoned for days. Olga came back and told me that Adoption Ark had sent my dossier to different region and unable to located them so I have to go back home.

On about early 2006, Adoption Ark run an aggressive advertise on their websites to invite people to come to Ivanovo Russia to meet with the children to choose to adopt, and promise to represent them to submit the adoption application at the end of summer program. The donation was claimed for the children summer program and five meals per day gone directly to Vladimir who is in charge of the orphanages in Ivanovo region and children summer camping. $300.00 dollars for transportation plus $100.00 dollars per day same price with four stars hotel but the only different are the hotel has hot water and no orphanage's food. Most people stay from five days to two weeks.

Summer 2006 I am one of many prospective adoptive people came to Ivanovo and hope to bond with a child/ children to adopt.

Adoption Ark had a woman name Linda in the camp said she an adoptive parent from adoption Ark and said highly about them. She did convinced many people to sign up with Adoption Ark. we all believed her until I found her and her daughter in any summer program of Adoption Ark. And recently, she wrote appose my common about Adoption Ark in Ivanovo Adoption group at yahoo. I don't think this is a coincident!

At the end of summer camping Elina, Alena and Vladimir told us the person who is in charge of adoption is on vacation, everybody go home and wait for that person to return.

Two months later, Elina calls me and said the adoption law in Russia had changed, they don't allow adoption agency to represent for adoptive parents, they must present themselves before the Department of Education to request their own adoption.

Before I leave to Russia for third times she calls me and raise the price of the second child to $10,000.00 dollars because Valdimir charge her $3.000.00 dollars for each child regardless of sibling or not. This request has form big argument between her and I. At the end she agrees to signed the new contract price for second child as was promise $3,000.00 dollars.

On about July 2006, I came to Ivanovo and vladimir said the person who is in charge of adoption is on vacation again and I have to wait.

Two days before my visa expire, he came and told me the children I was requested none of them available to adopt so 120 children I met in the summer camp were disappeared in the thin air.

I was introduce to mental retardation children. My heart gone out for them but as a single mother they would fit in my schedule.

Next day Rushania came back and takes me to the Department of Education. I have two referral to the older children with medical complication. I refused to go to see them because I have no inattention to adopt ill children. Vladimir was called to convinces me but I stay firmed. Valdimir call Elina and she screaming on the phone call me stupid not to know the children are healthy and the report the children are sicks just to get more money from the government to take care of them.

She threaten to stopped my adoption without refund and destroy adoption by report to then that I am mentally ill person if I refuse to go to see the children.

Rushania play the good cop. she told me not to see the children I will lost everything, go to see the children i have a chance that the children medical could be minor and correctable.

Elina Filippova/Adotion Ark placed me in the situation that I have to choice take it or leave it.

I met a four years old boy who is still wet in bed! He has an older sister who is a few years older. I was not allow to meet her for reason that she was on vacation far away.

I was force to sign an acceptance to adopt or I am not allow to go to the next referral to meet a girl.

The next day I met a girl was born on 1996 with heart murmur and she has a brother who is sixteen years old who did not want to adopt or leave Russia. Rushania said the children and the director approved for me to adopt the girl alone.

Iike her alot but hesitated to her medical condition and I was not allow to have Private doctor to exam on her.

One again Elina screaming on my ear that I must agree to adopt her or I will lost everything and she will destroy my adoption forever. I still refused. Thereater, she calm down and told me that if I accept to adopt the children and after I return home I can still refuse if they really sick and if I don't the Department of Education would never reffer for another child.

I believed her that she the one own the adoption agency so she must know Russian adoption law I then signed the acception to adopt the two children.

Right after I signed Rushania told me Adoption Ark sent her incomplete of my dossier so I have to return home to complete it before she can submit to The Department of Education.

I went home and complete the paper works and sent to Elina and thinking that she send to Rushania but she never did.

After I show my family and friends the pictures of the children, they told me may be God want me to adopt so I have not change my mind to adopt them.

Elina trick me to write a heartfelt letter to Andrew's Alena brother. Thereafter, she told me that she find out that a sixteen can be adopt with the sibling who is under sixteen and ask me to do Andrew a favor to adopt him with no charge. She ask to request an approve from my Home Study to adopt a third child and in a meantime sign an agreement to adopt Andrew so the orphanage know that I am in best inattention for Andew.

My Home Study social told me if some body in a right mind would never asks a single woman to adopt three children at the same time unless I am Angela Jolie.

Elina wait until two month before my Home Study and finger prints expire, she calls and break the news that the children and the orphanage directors disapproved me to adopt the children separate.

I then agree to adopt the younger sibling but she told me that my option are to adopt the sixteen years old sibling or a young boy alone and if I want to adopt the young boy's sister I have to pay her $16,500.00 dollars more. This offer is none sense to me so I refuse and she stopped my adoption and had Ally Griffith carry out her threats by call my Home Study social workers and agency bad mouth about me that I am a mental unstable woman to prevent them renew my Home Study and they believed her they never return my call after the resolve of Adoption Ark action against me.

Elina Filippova has a mastermind of a con artist. She plant out everything step by step to empty my life saving and leaving me with a bleeding heart and the two children are waiting for my return to bring them home.